We have now opened a Corporate Website for overseas corporations.

Privacy Policy

Toyo Piano Mfg. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) has established the following privacy policy regarding the handling of personal information. This website may ask you to send us your personal information such as your area of residence and e-mail address after receiving your consent through inquiries and other means. The personal information provided voluntarily is for the purpose of obtaining your opinions and improving our services, and will not be used for any other purpose. We will not use your personal information for any other purpose than the above. All such information will be used for statistical purposes, and we will not post your name without your consent or otherwise cause you any inconvenience later on.

Our Approach to Personal Information

We are committed to protecting the personal information of our customers with the utmost care. Therefore, in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws, regulations, and guidelines, we have established the following privacy policy to ensure the proper handling of personal information.

About collection

When you request information materials, make inquiries, or use other services, etc., we will collect your personal information as necessary. In such cases, we will clearly state the purpose and ask for the minimum necessary personal information.

Purpose of Use

The personal information we receive from our customers will be used for information requests, inquiries, and other services. We will not provide or disclose such information to any third party other than our company. However, the Company will not provide or disclose personal information to any third party except in the following cases

  • With the prior consent or approval of the customer
  • When disclosure is necessary to protect the rights or property of the customer or a third party
  • Other cases in which disclosure or provision is required by a court of law, the police or other public agency, or by law.

Protection of Personal Information

We take reasonable security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, or leakage of your personal information.

Disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of personal information

When a customer requests disclosure, correction, or deletion of his/her personal information, we will respond to the request without delay after confirming the customer’s identity through prescribed procedures.

Improvement of Privacy Policy

We will always establish the best possible measures for the protection of personal information in response to social conditions and advances in computer technology. For this reason, we may review and improve our privacy policy.

About the Access Log

This website records customer history information in the form of access logs. Access logs are used for the maintenance and management of this website and for statistical analysis of usage conditions, but are not used for any other purpose.

About JavaScript

This website uses JavaScript to make it more convenient for customers to use the site. However, if JavaScript is disabled, some pages may be displayed unexpectedly. Please enable JavaScript as much as possible when using this website.